Total Abrasives Management™
Our unique consignment stock service is designed to bring economies of scale and efficiency advantages to your manufacturing organization.
It is Simple, Dynamic & Cost Effective for clients who are spending £1000+ per month on abrasives, weld cleaning equipment, cleaning & maintenance products & PPE.
We remove the crippling hand to mouth just in time approach to buying consumables which is time consuming, very expensive, inefficient and hampers your business development, budgeting & profitability by strangling production deadlines. When you’re to the wall for supplies purchasing is haphazard and rushed and often you end up getting below par products just because of poor management.
SIMPLE – give us a call 0113 255 8887 or email and we will arrange an onsite meeting to assess and discuss your requirements in detail based on your current spend. Where possible we will recommend superior or alternative methods if we can demonstrate a saving or improvement. We will then send you a complete inventory list for a month’s forecast usage, deliver your dedicated consignment stock cupboard(s) & install the first stock consignment.
This will be replenished at the end of each month and an invoice issued for just the goods used within that month.
DYNAMIC – we live in an ever-changing world, so we fully recognize that circumstances, manufacturing processes and customer requirements change all the time which has a knock-on effect on your consumable requirements – so we’ll monitor this on a monthly basis as part of the service and adjust stock requirements up or down accordingly.
COST EFFECTIVE – we’ve been running this service for many clients nationwide for decades which is testimony to this superb stock management service, which delivers significant cost savings.